Read .msf/mbox files offline in Thunderbird


I have GMail account set up in Thunderbird 12.0.1 via IMAP. All the emails in it were synchronised to the client long ago. I no longer have access to the GMail account, but the mbox and .msf files are still there in my TB profile. How do I read the emails in those files? The folder pane shows nothing but an empty "Inbox" folder for that account – no emails, no sub-folders.

Best Answer

The mozillaZine article Importing folders may contain a possible answer.
It dates from July 2011, but may still pertain.

The steps it describes are the following :

  1. Create a new Thunderbird profile without any installed extensions
  2. Download and install the ImportExportTools extension, restart Thunderbird
  3. Use the menu Tools -> ImportExportTools -> import mbox file
  4. Browse to the mbox file and press the Open button. The imported inbox may have a suffix appended to its name for uniqueness.

A second possible procedure is described in the mozillaZine article Manually importing and exporting, which is basically replacing an existing inbox file with the old one. For that to work you should probably use the same version of Thunderbird that created the mbox.

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