Windows – RDP Connection span mode

multiple-monitorsremote desktopwindows 7windows xp

My Work pc is Windows 7 Professional with 2 1280*1024 resolution monitors.
My Home pc is XP Pro with 2 1280*1024 resolution monitors.

I have a RDP connection with the 'span monitors:i:1' switch that works fantastically – I connect from home to work and can use the work pc as normal (the Windows 7 drag windows feature is a bonus here!)

I've just added a 3rd 1280*1024 monitor to the home pc and would like to setup the rdp connection to span 2 monitors but leave the 3rd available.

Is this possible?

I've tried various options in the rdp file, but can only get it to stretch across the 3 screens…

Best Answer

a. Tick the option “use all monitors for the remote session” in remote desktop client display option. b. use the “/multimon” switch on the mstsc.exe command line. mstsc.exe /multimon c. add “use multimon:i:1” to the RDP file.

advantage using multimon option over span option :

With true multimon support, the client-side monitors can be arranged in any order and can be of any resolution.

Since a span mode remote session is essentially a single-monitor session, if a window in the remote desktop is maximized, it spans across all the monitors. With true multimon support, a window will only maximize to the extent of the containing monitor.

If an application queries for the number of monitors inside a span-mode session, it will find only one monitor, whereas it will find as many monitors as are actually present on the client system when using true multimon RDP. This difference can change the behavior of applications such as PowerPoint.


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