Ram upgrade to 8GB on laptop with DDR2@333Mhz


This is the current RAM information (1GB+1GB) for my laptop and it's DDR2. Is it possible to buy two new 4GB chips and upgrade my RAM to 8GB? Also, this RAM runs on 333MHz at the moment. Can I get 800MHz bus speed on the new chips and is that the max?
Ram upgrade

Update 01: Here are further details about my hardware:

Specs from the Manufacturer

Update 02: I do realize that it is apparent from the system specs above that the max RAM is 4GB. I would like to further clarify if I can add two 2GB chips each that run at 800Mhz bus speed to this laptop, thanks!

Best Answer

I build laptops in my company and you should try to find out and see if anyone else has managed to first.

There are very few laptop chipsets that support above 4GB and you can actually break the machine by inserting larger chips.

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