Quickly clone a microSD card


is there an easy and quick way to clone all data from one microSD card to another? I want to periodically backup contents of my phone card to a backup one, and as I have a lot of small files on the card, plain copying has a lot of overhead.

I think I could use some kind of disc image software, but I don't know if they are usable for flash memory media.

Is there a software that can do this easily, like Ghost for hard drives?

Best Answer

Since you don't specify an OS, here is the way I'd do it in linux.

plug in the card to your card reader. Mount it (it should mount as any old sdX#) dd if=/dev/sdX# of=/path/to/save/location/image.dd sync=noerror,notrunc bs=1k

This will give you an exact copy of the first 'parition' (if its partitioned.. if not don't worry about it). You can mount these with a local loopback as well to pick files off of the images.

If you are worried about file size, you can alway so something like this page suggests to get it to be smaller and more compact.

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