Quickest way to upload 500 GB to Google Drive


I have about 500GB to upload to to Google Drive. Two questions.

  1. What would be the quickest way to do this? The drive app seems slow. Other people have said use CyberDuck but they seem to have deprecated Google Drive as an option (mentioned here)
  2. Also I think uploading 500GB over my personal ISP would break their fair use policy. I can do this at work but if I took a hard drive to work synced it with my Google drive then went home and added the HD back to my personal PC would it need to re sync everything or would it be cleaver enough to realise it was the same 500GB and not sync it again?


Best Answer

You can use Rclone - it is an open source tool developed at GitHub:


rsync for cloud storage - it is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from Google Drive and many other cloud hosts. Here is the Rclone Google Drive page:


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