PuTTY variant without modal message boxes


Basically I'm happy with PuTTY, but the behaviour with modal message boxes is driving me mad. My network connection changes a lot, and if I have say 20 putty connections open at the time, all of these start filling my screen with "Fatal error" boxes that I have to click one-by-one. All would be well if it would just say "disconnected" like it does after the box has been clicked away… To be short, I've been looking for a PuTTY variant with this feature implemented. It sounds to me exactly to what I need. Is there such variant?

So far, I've been through at least puttytray, nutty, kitty and futty, and they all behave the same way.

Edit: I checked out Futty, commented out some modal boxes I found and rebuilt it. Works the way I want. Of course it is not properly implemented, since it is not configurable and does not have any sort of intellect, so that's not a real resolution. Does the trick for me for now, though. I'll keep this open though in case someone would know of a variant that would have it.

Best Answer

It's a workaround, but you could install cygwin and use the local terminal version of putty, then use ssh from the cygwin command line.

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