Purely command-line operation of dropbox

bashcommand linecygwin;dropbox

Is it possible to make use of dropbox account from purely command-line solution e.g a bash script?

I have so far failed to find a comprehensive answer to this question.

I have used Git for sometime now and it is quite easy to use from commandline. If dropbox does not have a robust command-line version then what alternatives exist to dropbox which do have this feature?

Since we are approaching end of 2020, maybe things have changed. I use windows but will access dropbox through Cygwin which is basically a way to access Linux like functionality in windows.

Best Answer

Make use of dropbox account from purely command-line solution?

Have you tried dbxcli?

dbxcli: A command line tool for Dropbox users and team admins


  • Supports basic file operations like ls, cp, mkdir, mv (via the Files API)
  • Supports search
  • Supports file revisions and file restore
  • Chunked uploads for large files, paginated listing for large directories
  • Supports a growing set of Team operations


Download pre-compiled binaries for Mac, Windows and Linux from the releases page.


$ dbxcli --help
Use dbxcli to quickly interact with your Dropbox, upload/download files,
manage your team and more. It is easy, scriptable and works on all platforms!

  dbxcli [command]

Available Commands:
  cp          Copy files
  du          Display usage information
  get         Download a file
  ls          List files
  mkdir       Create a new directory
  mv          Move files
  put         Upload files
  restore     Restore files
  revs        List file revisions
  rm          Remove files
  search      Search
  team        Team management commands
  version     Print version information

      --as-member string   Member ID to perform action as
  -v, --verbose            Enable verbose logging

Use "dbxcli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

$ dbxcli team --help
Team management commands

  dbxcli team [command]

Available Commands:
  add-member    Add a new member to a team
  info          Get team information
  list-groups   List groups
  list-members  List team members
  remove-member Remove member from a team

Global Flags:
      --as-member string   Member ID to perform action as
  -v, --verbose            Enable verbose logging

Use "dbxcli team [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Source: dropbox/dbxcli: A command line client for Dropbox built using the Go SDK

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