Windows – Powershell font wrong size on Windows 8.1

fontspowershellwindowswindows 8.1

On my Windows 8.1 machine, I need powershell to configure office web apps.
When I start powershell, for a blink of a second, it shows as it should, but then it gets resized, and the font becomes something like 0.5 to 1mm in height.

Barely readable.
I tried adjusting the font size, and increasing the registry value for DPI, but it does not have any effect.

I cannot use a shell where I can't read the output or the input.
Anybody can tell me how to resolve this ?

I tried the screen magnifier, but the font is just that small, that when you magnify it, you canot read it either…

Best Answer

Open an elevated Powershell ("Right-click" and "Run As Administrator"). Left click on the icon in the left hand side of the title bar (or press Alt+Space), select Properties, then on the Font tab you can select the size. "8 x 12" is probably what you want.

You probably want to select "Lucida Console" as your font as Consolas is a little difficult to read imo.

You MUST ensure you are running PowerShell elevated (as Administrator) if you want your configuration to persist permanently.

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