Powerpoint 2013 – Please wait while we load pictures


Ever since I "upgraded" to Powerpoint 2013 I have run into several annoyances. One of those is that every time I need to change a picture in a presentation, the screen below pops up first. Usually it only takes a few seconds and I can click "Work offline" to bypass it, but over time with lots of pictures to replace it gets very annoying. Is there a way to disable the automatic search of online pictures?

Please wait while we load pictures

Best Answer

That's the best I came up with. Not much of a solution, but it works.

Use Autohotkey with the following script:

#SingleInstance off


#IfWinActive ahk_class PPTFrameClass 


Sleep, 200
MouseClick, right
Send, a

WinWaitActive, Insert Picture ahk_class NUIDialog,,2
    Send, {ENTER}



Run it before launching Powerpoint and close afterwards.

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