POSIX pathname that can’t name a file

file locationfilenamespathposixunix

Are there any legal paths in POSIX that cannot be associated with a file, regular or irregular? That is, for which test -e "$LEGITIMATEPOSIXPATHNAME" cannot succeed?

Clarification #1: pathnames

By "legal paths in POSIX", I mean ones that POSIX says are allowed, not ones that POSIX doesn't explicitly forbid. I've looked this up, and the are POSIX specification calls them character strings that:

  1. Use only characters from the portable filename character set [a-zA-Z0-9._-] (cf. http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html#tag_03_276);
  2. Do not begin with -; and
  3. Have length between 1 and NAME_MAX, a number unspecified for POSIX that is not less than 14.

POSIX also allows that filesystems will probably be more relaxed than this, but it forbids the characters NUL and / from appearing in filenames. Note that such a paradigmatically UNIX filename as lost+found isn't FPF, according to this def. There's another constant PATH_MAX, whose use needs no further explanation.

The ideal answer will use FPFs, but I'm interested in any example with filenames that POSIX doesn't expressly forbid.

Clarification #2: impossibility

Obviously, pathnames normally could be bound to a file. But UNIX semantics will tell you that there are special places that couldn't normally have arbitrary files created, like in the /dev directory. Are any such special places stipulated in POSIX? That is what the question is getting after.

Best Answer

Since the final question is whether there are special places that couldn't normally have a file, like in the /dev directory stipulated in POSIX, then the andswer is YES.

The complete list of pre-determined files and directories is given in chapter 10, POSIX Directory Structure and Devices, of the IEEE Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6:

The following directories shall exist on conforming systems and conforming applications shall make use of them only as described. Strictly conforming applications shall not assume the ability to create files in any of these directories, unless specified below.

The root directory.
Contains /dev/console, /dev/null, and /dev/tty, described below.

The following directory shall exist on conforming systems and shall be used as described:

A directory made available for applications that need a place to create temporary files. Applications shall be allowed to create files in this directory, but shall not assume that such files are preserved between invocations of the application.

The following files shall exist on conforming systems and shall be both readable and writable:

An infinite data source and data sink. Data written to /dev/null shall be discarded. Reads from /dev/null shall always return end-of-file (EOF).
In each process, a synonym for the controlling terminal associated with the process group of that process, if any. It is useful for programs or shell procedures that wish to be sure of writing messages to or reading data from the terminal no matter how output has been redirected. It can also be used for applications that demand the name of a file for output, when typed output is desired and it is tiresome to find out what terminal is currently in use.

The following file shall exist on conforming systems and need not be readable or writable:

The /dev/console file is a generic name given to the system console (see System Console). It is usually linked to an implementation-defined special file. It shall provide an interface to the system console conforming to the requirements of the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Chapter 11, General Terminal Interface.

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