Pop OS 22.04 can’t update gir1.2-mutter-10, libmutter-10-0


For like two weeks now I see that gir1.2-mutter-10 and libmutter-10-0 have updates that are held back, but any attempt to install them fails. Even more, when simply trying to install them, I get error messages that are simply ridiculous. Apt claims that e.g. gir1.2-mutter-10 depends on libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.24.24) which isn't installable (but 3.24.33 is already installed). Those errors simply make no sense. Also, neither apt full-upgrade, nor apt dist-upgrade solve it, which normally install held back packages. Same with apt install -f. Sadly there's no support whatsoever on the Pop OS Reddit even after multiple users posting about that exact issue.

Here is the output of trying to install gir1.2-mutter-10 from a few weeks back. It's not translated to english, but I'd say it still makes it clear enough what problems apt claims to have. Has anybody any idea how to solve this without reinstalling Pop?

Best Answer

Try these commands

sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt --fix-broken install
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