DNS – Pointing a Domain Name to a Home PC


I was previously paying for a VPS but have decided to setup a home server instead to save money.

I have a static ip address and have registered a domain name mydomain.com.

I am running CentOS and have BIND running (I setup a Virtual Host for mydomain.com using VirtualMin, which also setup all the BIND nameserver entries for me).

The bit I am confused about is how to point my domain to my home server. In my domain management section I can change the nameservers but don't seem to have access to any DNS configuration such as A records. What do I put into the nameserver entry?

When I was using the VPS they gave me the ns1 and ns2 entries, now I am running my own server I am a little confused.

Best Answer

Your domain name provider should also have nameservers available for you to use.

The details will vary with provider, but essentially are:

  1. Change the NameServers to "use our nameservers"
  2. Wait (typically this step takes between 1 - 24 hours
  3. Select "Change DNS settings" (or equivalent)

You should now have the ability to set your A and CNAME records, and will be able to add your static IP address.

Unfortunately, without knowing your specific provider, I can't provide more specific steps.

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