Plug-in device to front USB computer *sometimes* restarts


I've got a strange problem that very occasionally (maybe once a month) when I plug something in to the front USB port on my computer, the computer suddenly restarts. This also happens sometimes when I touch the front USB ports. This has been going on for a few years and a lot of the components in my PC have changed.

  • I thought it was my home wiring, but I moved last year and it still happens.
  • I thought maybe it was the motherboard, but that was upgraded 9 months ago and it still happens.
  • I thought it was my case, but I changed that recently and it still happens.
  • I thought maybe it was my PSU, but I upgraded that yesterday and it still happens.

I'm pretty sure this is an electro-static thing, but I thought that modern computers have protection against this sort of thing. Maybe I should move my case off the floor (carpet) and stop wearing songs all the time.

Edit: Just to clarify, this is a computer that I built. The components have been upgraded throughout the years and it's not much the same computer anymore.

This doesn't happen very often, but it is annoying, because I don't know what the cause is. Anyone have any ideas?

Best Answer

I've seen this before, and the end result was a faulty USB port.

When you plugged something in it would do exactly what you are describing. It definitely makes me think faulty port in this case, since you said sometimes when you touch it the PC will restart.

Luckily for us the laptop in question was still under warranty - I would ask if this PC is still under warranty, but the things you have done to it make me think not.

You might just want to just check the cables are properly pushed in at both end of the USB port, however in your case I wouldn't get your hopes up.

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