Pixelated and smooth text in Microsoft Powerpoint using same font/size/etc


I'm using the "Title and Content" layout for one of my pages, and somehow the Title content becomes very smooth and looks good, but the content is very pixelated.
I'm running powerpoint 2007.

Any clues on how to overcome this?

enter image description here

Best Answer

PowerPoint 2016 Fix

  1. Right click and select format for anything on your page.
  2. This will bring up the right side Format Shape options panel.
  3. Select the problematic aliased text box.
  4. Make sure you don't select the actual text, you want the outline.
    • I press the Esc key once selected so it's just the outline
  5. Under the Format Shape select Text Options.
  6. Click the first tab, which is letter A for me with a bold underline.
  7. Click Gradient fill, and not solid fill.
  8. Leave the color as black, and this appears to apply a nice anti-aliased effect to the text block.
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