Windows – Per app input language Windows 10

windows 10windows-10-v1709

I've set up so that Windows remembers my input language preference for each app, it works really well (US-English as default with Swedish for some apps) until I close the apps/restart the OS, then it forgets and reverts back to English again. Is there a setting to prevent this from happening? I want it to always remember my language preference for each app.

I'm on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update Version 1709 if that matters.

Best Answer

In my "Windows 10 Pro" "Version 1809" is not this settings in "Control Panel" anymore.

It is possible to set it in this way: "Start menu" -> Settings -> Find "Typing settings" -> Advanced keyboard settings -> check checkbox "Let me use a different input method for each app window"

External link:

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