Pdf – When running Adobe Acrobat’s OCR on a PDF document, which downsampling produces a higher quality: 600 dpi or 72 dpi


I have a large PDF document that consists of scanned pages of a textbook. I want to run Adobe Acrobat 9's text recognition function on it, but I'm presented with this menu when I do.

Adobe Acrobat OCR Menu

I'm confused by the options in the highlighted menu. What option will produce the highest quality/most readable text? I thought 600 dpi implies a higher quality image than 72 dpi, so I'm confused by "High (72 dpi)" and "Lowest (600 dpi)."

Best Answer

The qualitative description of your options is referring to the amount of downsampling done to the image, not the resulting image quality. Downsampling to 72 dpi results in a high amount of downsampling.

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