PDF form created in Libre Office – trouble with form fields and font sizing


I am trying to create a PDF Form using LibreOffice. I can create the form elements and export as PDF. However, the form fields are giving me problems. The text in these fields always centers on the bottom, and often the text you input is cut off at the bottom.

I found that if I make the fields larger, the text no longer cuts off, but the field is exceptionally large with lots of space above the text.

I have made an odt (source) and a pdf (export) file to show what I'm running into. I tried a number of different fonts and sizes, but to make things easier, I made the field names all "field1" so that once you fill out one entry, all fields show as filled in.


My main question is how do I make form fields that don't cut off the text without having to make the fields way oversized?

Made with LibreOffice 3.3.0

Best Answer

This problem appeared when Openoffice upgraded from 2.? to 3.? I suffered the same thing and there wasn't any real solid solution.

I have a work around. Make the field multiline even though it is a single line. This works! :) Maybe later they will improve the PDF exporter.

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