Outlook – Sent item has changed font to Times New Roman. Default font is Calibri 11


We use Outlook 2010 / 2013. We have two exchange accounts. One local (domain) and one Office 365.

If we send internal mail, fonts are 100%.

If we reply to an external email sometimes it is 100% but other times our font has been changed to Times Roman.

All obvious settings have been looked at, in Outlook, Internet options, the defaults templates for email (.dotm) etc.

I am looking for a global solution and not one that involves changes to each machine on the network.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

For the ones that have been "changed to Times", check the format the mail is being sent as.

If it's sending as Plain-text then any custom fonts will be removed, and Outlook usually defaults to Times New Roman to display plain-text.

The response type (Plain-text, vs. Rich-text (RTF) vs. HTML) is set globally, but can be overridden by settings in the individual Outlook contacts, and that can be further overridden per-email response, depending on the format type of the email you're replying to (if you reply to a plain-text email, Outlook may/will automatically assume Plain-text for the response).

More info on checking/setting that setting per-contact is available here (amongst other places).

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