Outlook rule to move Sent Items to another person’s Sent Items folder


It appears that when sending mail, the rule I use to move the sent item to another mailbox' sent items folder isn't processed. If I manually use the "process rules now" button it works as expected.

Is there any way to:

  • put these sent items directly into the mailbox when using "send as", without rules

  • if rules need to be used, how do I make sure they are processed right after sending the mail

Best Answer

I don't think you can automate that, since rules are designed to run before email is delivered, not before sent mail is processed.

The only other options are to manually trigger the rule (as you've already stated) or create a macro that does the move, and assign the macro to a button on the toolbar. Although that would be easier to initiate, it would be much harder to design the macro to do what you want.

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