Outlook – Open Multiple Instances of Outlook 2007 Simultaneously with Google Apps Sync

google-syncmicrosoft-outlook-2007multiple instances

Is there a way to do this? I have several accounts all using Outlook 2007 and all using Google Apps Sync. But in order to access each mailbox I have to shut down Outlook and then open it again and choose the profile I want. It would be nice if I could open multiple instances of Outlook. I tried simply opening one instance with one already open but nothing happens (or, rather, it takes me to the open instance). Usually What I do is have one open online and one with Outlook, but now I have more than two, so this becomes a pain.

Best Answer

You can get multiple copies of Outlook running by removing the "/recycle" switch from the shortcut you're using to launch Outlook.

The "Email" shortcut on the start menu probably not going to let you do this (as it's a 'special' shortcut).

If you have no other shortcuts to Outlook to edit, then create yourself a new one. The default run path for Outlook 2007 is "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\OUTLOOK.EXE"

Normally when Windows makes Outlook shortcuts, it's the same path, only with the afore-mentioned "/recycle" switch appended to the end to make it use the same copy of Outlook over and over.

Hope that helps...

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