Outlook – ny way to use the Room Finder without any Room Lists


I'm using Outlook 2010, and our Exchange Administrators have mailboxes set up for many of the meeting rooms available at our facilities. However, it would seem they don't have any Room Lists configured. (I gather this because I do not see the "Show a room list" drop-down menu. But I do see empty "Choose an available room" and "Suggested times" sections.)

Is there any way for me to still be able to use the convenient functionality (via some sort of local Room Address Book or similar) of the Room Finder without having Room Lists generated on the Exchange server?

Best Answer

The only way Room Lists are configured is by the Exchange administrator ONLY. I personally haven't found any good way to bypass this. What you might want to do is to configure one or more local address lists containing only the conference rooms. Then select them when scheduling, and EXPAND the list and remove the entries that do not work for you. Interesting, when you do that the room finder will indicate which times have conflicts and which times do not. Allowing you to more easily find a room.

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