Outlook – Microsoft Outlook – rules for groups affecting mails coming from individual


I am running outlook 2016.

I have a set a number of rules to move messages as and when they come to inbox.

For examples I receive mails from an distribution list and i have created a rule to move it to a folder, let us say "support" folder. The rule works perfectly. However there is one person who is part of this distribution list and sends mail to me. Issue is that even mails sent from his ID directly to me also moves to the support folder.

How to rectify this ? Or is there a different way to handle such mails ?


Best Answer

This is the expected behavior. The rule with "From group" condition will apply to all messages received from any member of the group.

To work around this, edit the rule condition to 'with specific words in the sender's address', click 'specific words' and add the address of your group.

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