Outlook – How to set up Gmail in Outlook when the ISP blocks SMTP


In Outlook, I'm setting up a Gmail account and I'm not able to send mails because my ISP is blocking SMTP forward.

Any ways to bypass this?


I've tried different settings, followed Gmail support inscructions and still not working.

telnet smtp.gmail.com 465
telnet smtp.gmail.com 587
telnet smtp.gmail.com 25

all of them reply:

Connecting To smtp.gmail.com…Could
not open connection to the host, on
port xxx : Connect failed

and I don't have an email acount from my ISP.

Best Answer

When using your provider's SMTP server, just be sure to have your email client copy the sent items to the Sent Items folder on the server.

(When using Gmail's server, your email client does not have to copy the sent items. More on Gmail IMAP settings at How should I configure Mail.App and Google Mail?)

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