Outlook – How to create a link that adds the event to others’ calendars


I want to make it easy for people who sign up for one of my events to add the event's data to their calendars.

I'd like to make it so easy that they just click a link on my site and their calendars take it from there.

The 3 calendars my people are likely to use: Google Calendar, Outlook, ical

Best Answer

Are you talking about putting a link to a calendar on a website? How automated do you want this process to be? Depending on what you're actually trying to achieve here, this may be a more appropriate question for Stack Overflow, but I'm not sure.

Google Calendar, Outlook and iCal can all import the ical format (.ics). Outlook and Google Calendar support comma-separated value lists (.csv`) as well, but this will not be compatible with iCal.

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