Outlook – Constant erroneous Outlook meeting reminders


There was a recurring meeting that was set up in Outlook. The recurrences ended eighty weeks ago, but it still pops up with a meeting reminder saying that it's 80 weeks overdue, and it's been doing this for the full eighty weeks ever since. This pops up whenever I start Outlook, and also seems to show up in the reminder box every so often when some other legitimate meeting pops up a reminder. I can dismiss it just like anything else, but it strikes me as strange. This is Office 2007 against an Exchange 2003 server.

I remember doing some "flush" or "clear" command a while back, but it didn't seem to do the trick – my Google-fu on finding out exactly what I tried is failing me at the moment, though.

If I try to open the meeting in order to wipe it from my calendar, it just pops a warning dialog that says "Cannot open the item for this reminder," so my only option is just to dismiss it every time it comes up.

Any ideas how to make the phantom meeting reminder stop bugging me every day at work multiple times?

EDIT: BioXHazard found the command that I had run previously, "outlook /cleanreminders"…but the reminder still popped up on restart, so no dice there.

Best Answer

When the reminder comes up, click open. Then press the delete button at the top. The same was happening to me just today for the first time.

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