Outlook – Accessing google apps email on outlook 2010


I am a college student, and I use outlook 2010 for my primary email, however, my school uses a gmail account for our college email. This account isn't even truly gmail, it's a google application for email and so I am having trouble adding my college email to outlook. Does anyone know what the incoming mail server would be for this? I'm truly stumped…

Best Answer

See this question:
How do I sync Gmail with Outlook 2010?

Unfortunately, there as some issues with Outlook 2010 and the Google Apps Sync tool. Hopefully they get that resolved soon (I'm also a Google Apps for EDU and Outlook 2010 user), but in the meantime you'll have to use the imap solution. Instructions for imap with Gmail can be found here:


Those instructions are for Outlook 2007, but this at least is still pretty much the same for Outlook 2010.

To summarize the key points:

  • First, don't forget to enable imap in gmail
  • Your incoming mail server is imap.gmail.com on port 993 with SSL encryption
  • Your outgoing mail server is smtp.gmail.com on port 587 with TLS encryption
  • Your username is your full e-mail address. This is especially important for Google Apps for my domain users such as yourself.
  • The smtp server uses the same authentication as the incoming server

Note that when you first tell it to use encryption on a server, it will set the default port for you. So if you enter the port first, make sure it didn't over-write your port selection.

The Google Apps Sync tool now support Outlook 2010. If you have Google Apps Premier or Google Apps for Education, you can get it here: