Windows – Outlook 2013 shows a metered connection warning on Windows 7; causes Office updates to fail

microsoft-officemicrosoft-outlookmicrosoft-outlook-2013windowswindows 7

I have MS Office 2013 on a Windows 7 computer that's showing a metered connection warning in Outlook, also, Office is asking to update itself, and the update invariably fails near the end. During all of this, Outlook is practically unusable. It doesn't fetch any mail and doesn't send anything.

Now, marking a connection as metered/unmetered appears only in Windows 8, so I cannot disable it in any way; also, it actually isn't a metered connection.

The closest to this issue is this thread I've found: but their solution with deleting mapisvc.inf file didn't help.

What else could be causing this and what could I do to solve it?

Best Answer

Try to check the read-only attribute on all files used by Outlook. This means folders like Windows, Program Files, Users, ... Any folder, where any data accessed by outlook can reside. I had similar problem - after computer crash...