OSX El Capitan – Spaces bar – Show expanded window thumbnails/previews by default


One of the new features of Mac OSX "El Capitan" (10.11) is that "the Spaces Bar has been shrunk, only displaying Desktop and window names by default—revealing your full desktop windows on mouseover."

enter image description here

Is there any way to revert back to showing the expanded (on mouseover) thumbnails/previews/tiles instead of window names by default in the Mission Control "Spaces Bar"?

enter image description here

It now takes two gestures instead of one to get a bird's eye view of all your spaces due to the new default collapsed behavior. While this may be preferred by some, and might be beneficial on smaller screens, it's killing productivity on my setup with multiple large monitors.

At minimum this OBVIOUSLY should be user configurable but I haven't yet been able to locate any preferences using defaults read for various namespaces (NSGlobalDomain, com.apple.dock, com.apple.dashboard, com.apple.spaces).

What a terrible "enhancement"…. >_<

Best Answer

Please go to http://www.apple.com/feedback/macosx.html And submit feedback, telling them you want (like many of us) this functionnality back.

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