Oracle VirtualBox connecting USB device


Oracle VirtualBox (v 4.3.4 r 91027) installed on Windows 7 64-bit throws this error message:

Failed to attach USB device STMicroelectronics STM32 STLink[0100] to the virtual machine ..
.. is busy with previous request..

Best Answer

Adding a device filter as mentioned by rubStackOverflow is necessary avoid the host OS using actual drivers for the device. If you got this right and watch the Windows Device Manager while plugging in the device, you see USB Controllers -> Virtualbox USB appearing instead of the actual device.

If then the device is not detected by the guest OS, check if the host Windows has an upper USB filter driver like USBPcap installed. (Reference:

  1. Start regedit.
  2. Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}.
  3. Look for a key UpperFilters. In my case it was there and had value USBPcap. Most likely this came from Wireshark or I may have installed it manually.
  4. Rename or remove the key UpperFilters.
  5. Reboot the host.
  6. Check the USB filter setting of the guest (generalize it by leaving everything clear except VID/PID settings).
  7. Start guest.
  8. Plug in USB device.
  9. Watch host device manager show Virtualbox USB.
    1. Watch guest device manager detect actual device.

Good luck!

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