Opposite of tail: all lines except the last n lines


How can I discard the last n lines of a file with a unix command line filter?

That would be sort of the opposite of tail: tail discards the first n lines but pipes the rest through, but I want the command to pipe everything through except the last n lines.

Unfortunately I haven't found anything like that – head doesnt help, too. EDIT: At least in Solaris it does not take negative arguments.

Update: I'm mostly interested in a solution that works for big files, i.e. logfiles, where you might want to inspect what happened except in the last minutes.

Best Answer

If you have GNU head, you can use

head -n -5 file.txt

to print all but the last 5 lines of file.txt.

If head -n takes no negative arguments, try

head -n $(( $(wc -l file.txt | awk '{print $1}') - 5 )) file.txt
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