Open Console App in Windows 11 Without New Terminal Feature


I use this console app (Far manager since early Windows versions – it is best commander ever, the linux Midnight Commander is a pale rip off compared, it grew from Norton Commander and became 100x more powerful with time).

Recently Windows 11 got new update and now there is something called "Terminal".

Now Far is completely broken.

It is now opens not as console app but as a tab in Terminal, after some changes in Terminal settings its windows has no header, I cant see the bottom edge to move it or resize, the font is broken (there are vertical spaces in graphic characters), the setting cannot be opened because it has no header so I cant fix what I've done.

But at any rate – I want same control for this specific console app (and for my Visual Studio console apps) as it was before. I dont want to have a container with muddled and vague control. It gives me zero advantages and huge headache.

Any suggestions? Can I switch it off ?

Best Answer

Simply go to the Terminal Settings (right mouse click on the window title) and change Default terminal application to Windows Console Host.

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