Open New Tab in ConEmu in Same Directory (Git Bash) – How to Guide


I want to assign a keyboard short cut within ConEmu that will open a new tab, in the same directory as the current tab is within.

So something like:

-new_console:d:[<pwd>]%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i

where [<pwd>] runs pwd or grabs the $PWD environment variable. Or any command that would get the current working directory.


Currently I have a bash script set up:

    pwd | sed -e 's/\//\\/g ' | sed 's/^.//' | sed 's/^c/C:/g'
 ConEmu.exe -new_console:d:"$(winpwda)" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Git\bin\sh.exe" &

running "nc" will now open a new window with a git bash ConEmu in the current directory. Annoyingly if I use "cmd" instead of "ConEmu.exe" it successfully opens it in a new tab instead of a new window. Also not sure how i can assign a bash argument as a keyboard short cut…

Best Answer

ConEmu's docs clearly state what user shall to configure.

For bash user has to add to bash profile


And set up a call of Shell function in the Keys&Macros. Example assumes you have {Git bash} task.

Shell("new_console", "{Git bash}", "", "%CD%")
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