Podcasts – Online Tool to Publish Aggregated Podcast Feed with Enclosures


I listen to many podcasts. I'd like to share the best among them with an audience via an RSS feed, but I want that feed to include the original enclosure. The idea is that the audience puts my aggregated feed into their podcatcher, which will see the enclosures and download the podcasts I've handpicked automatically. The podcasts are from various sources, and my solution shouldn't require my hosting the MP3 files (rather, my RSS, which is aggregated, should still point back to the original hosting location for the podcast audio files).

Google Reader's shared tag feeds would be perfect, but they don't include enclosures.

Is there a tool online somewhere that will let me manage and publish a feed like this?

Best Answer

Yahoo Pipes allows you to create a feed that is an aggregate of multiple feeds, but I'm not sure how you would select your preferred entries.