OneNote – Export All Sections in a Notebook to Word


I have a OneNote 2010 notebook with a lot of sections (and some of those sections have lots of pages.) What I'd like to do is a get a good, space-saving printout (with minimal whitespace) to take physical notes on when I'm in meetings AFK, or brainstorming old-school.

I don't want to just print all sections and pages, because there's a lot of whitespace (I do have some pages with just one or two lines), and there's some pages I want to exclude. Thus, it looks like I want to export to Word, and then manually remove some sections and also manually remove page-breaks, to tighten things up and not waste (as much) paper.

However, you can only save an entire notebook as ONEPKG, PDF, or XPS. I only have Adobe Reader, and I don't know if full-version Adobe would let me remove pagebreaks, it's not that kind of editor, AFAIK – rather, PDF isn't that kind of format. XPS is also just a display format, again AFAIK. I could save each individual section as a DOC, and then Import Text from File for each DOC into a new blank one, doing it in the proper order and removing the content I don't want as I go. (I did this once. It's not terrible, but somewhat a PITA.)

Is there a plugin or technique to do one of :

  1. An easy way to save an entire notebook to a single DOC?
  2. An easy way to automate saving all sections in a notebook to individual DOCs, without doing it one-by-one manually?
  3. Any other way to go about this? Some kind of whitespace-chewing pretty-printer for OneNote?

I'm not much of a VB/VBA guy, so answers that suggest I script this will give me a sad, unless they're written for not-so-bright young children.

Best Answer

The first alternative, with better results, is to use One Note PowerShell with the explanation given in this blog to export all pages changed after a specific date (hum... let's say... pages created after 01-01-1970) as one single .mht file, then edit that file in your Word.

There's also the OneNote Power Toys that can be used to merge pages in One Note...

The OneNote to HTML Server allows you to save one html for each page that is changed in a One Note directory, and if you change them all, you'll have a one-html-per-page. The problem is to make a little change in every page.

And, finally, the One Note Web Exporter creates a web page that you can use inside any browser. But it won't be a single, continous HTML, it will resamble your OneNote page-separation. Perhaps easy to edit the resulting web-page to make it a single html, but I'm not sure.