Office documents won’t save to OneDrive (Upload Blocked)


Microsoft forces MS Office files to be treated differently in OneDrive than other file types. I see no benefit to MS Office sync services when saving files to OneDrive (it will be backed up anyway) and it nearly cripples the use of Office, slowing down syncing and complaining when there is no internet (I often work without internet access). I have Office 2016 Pro (Not 365) and I do not login office or wish to use any of the Office Cloud features. I do use OneDrive to sync files across devices so I don't want to remove OneDrive I just want Office and OneDrive to function as two separate applications. Unfortunately Office will not allow you to save an office document to OneDrive and it will throw the Upload Blocked error and wants you to sign in. The only way to save a file to OneDrive is to save it to the desktop first then copy and paste it over to OneDrive which is counter productive. I have unchecked the Office integration checkbox in OneDrive but it doesn't seem like this does anything. The OneDrive folder is located at C:\user…\OneDrive\ so it's not like it's a remote link.

enter image description here

My question is how do I disable or bypass the Office/OneDrive sync features or simply allow Offices documents to be saved to OneDrive like any other location on my hard drive?

I've been fighting this for a while and got it to work temporarily by rolling back the OneDrive version however the issue has cropped back up. I posted a question on the MS Community Forum a few months back but it was not resolved. I know it's a bad idea to copy paste the same info across two forums so I will instead provide a link:

Best Answer

I've found a solution for this. There is an office Tab in One Drive Settings (at least on current version fo windows 10).

Uncheck the box that says: "Use Office application to sync Office files that I open".

This seems to stop office from being connected to the oneDrive account, treating files saved to onedrive as ordinary files.

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