Occasional scratching noise from computer while loading


Sometimes while loading something or “working”, I hear a loud scratching noise from the computer that last a second or two. It’s not frequent, but it kinda freaks me out when it does it. The computer is three and half years-old. Should I be concerned?

Best Answer

if it's software e.g. windows, then it could be this https://superuser.com/questions/333880/what-is-the-source-of-this-funny-scratching-card-shuffling-noise-in-windows

In which case, it's the dog in the windows xp search. You hear it more if you have opened many searches which can happen accidentally too. After some time the dog scratches himself and it makes a noise like scratching or shuffling cards.

if it is not from a speaker of any kind, but it is coming from the computer box, then open it up and listen for it and try to find it. Have the box near you when it happens. Fans are a moving part..see that nothing is knocking any.

Hard drives don't make a scratching sound but they can click.. it's worth using software like speedfan and checking the SMART data on the hard drive.

You need to do some troubleshooting to isolate where the sound is coming from. Time how long between one sound and another. If you get to a point where you can predict it then that will help you to isolate the place it is coming from.

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