Windows – Notepad++ tabs font size

fontsnotepadtabswindows 10

For some reason the font size Notepad++ uses to render tab fonts suddenly became huge:

huge tab fonts

There are settings for it in Settings -> Style Configurator -> Global Styles -> Active tab text and Inactive tabs, but for some reason changing this setting has no effect. There is nothing suggesting that this setting or any related changed inside Notepad++ (and I sure didn't do it deliberately). Perhaps the IT department pushed out some new Windows 10 font setting (not otherwise visible in the system)? If so: how can I tell what setting to revert? Everything I've found on Windows 10 Professional's font settings has a size of 9, so it seems like a long-shot.

Edit: I just reinstalled Notepad++, after having wiped all npp data, but without any visual effect (the font size in the tabs is still huge). I still suspect our IT department to have pushed some Windows 10 font setting.

Best Answer

Some text fonts too large

Need to go to Control Panel > Fonts > Font Settings > Restore default font settings. Click the button. Restart machine.

Hope it works

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