Notepad++ Replacing text between two points with different characters

find and replacenotepadregex

I have this text:

D5 0.25 8;0.25 E5 0.25 8;0.5 F#5 1 8;1.5 E5 1 8;2.5 D5 1 8;3.5 B4 1 8;4.5 A4

Except, it's 800 characters long… For example, I would like to get the text between D5 and E5 and replace it with a single space. So it looks like this
D5 E5, but as I said there are different values between each one.

Best Answer

As long as "D5" and "E5" do not appear inside the block, you can use Regular Expressions:

Search for: D5.*?E5
Replace with: D5 E5

Remember to enable regular expression search mode

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