Notepad++. How to replace different characters with corresponding letters at once


How to find and replace in Notepad++ multiple different characters to corresponding letters at once throughout the text? For example, I have 32 characters that I want to replace. So I have the character like “À”, and I want to replace it with the letter “A”. Next, I have the character like “Æ” and I want to replace it with the letter “Ж” and so on. Generally, I have 32 such characters and each time I need to do the same operation. Is any way to do this at once?

Image demonstrating request

Best Answer

From notepad >= 6.0 you can replace multiple characters (matches) using something similar to:

search: (Ì)|(Í)|(Î)|(Ï)|(Ð)|(Ñ)
replace: (?1H)(?2O)(?3Π)(?4P)(?5C)(?6T)

Here every character is a captured group and is replaced by the characted in the replace string. Every replace character specifies the index of the group, starting at 1. For instance (?3Π) replaces the group 3 which in this case is the character Î. Î -> Π

You can see more on this answer.