Notepad++: disable enter key for auto-complete

keyboardkeyboard shortcutsnotepad

Is there any way to disable enter as auto-complete key?
I like autocomplete to be switched on for words, but there are times, when I need to new line while auto-complete is showing.

I'd like auto-complete to just trigger on tab for that reason. It's kinda more than average annoyance for me.

There is a similarly-looking question, but it is not similar.

Best Answer

In Settings -> Shortcut mapper -> Scintilla commands

Double click SCI_NEWLINE (should be item 9 in the list), select Enter and remove it.

------ EDIT -------

Note that you can't add Enter back after removing it in Notepad++. One way to add it back is open %appdata%\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml file, and change following lines:

    <ScintKey ScintID="2329" menuCmdID="0" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="13" />

to following:


save file and restarte NotePad++, and the setting should be restored.

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