Notepad++ Compare plugin doesn’t highlight line changes anymore


I have 2 PCs at work, one with older version of Notepad++ (6.1.7) and one with newer version (6.5.3) and I use it frequently to quickly compare pieces of code or any other strings (I use WinMerge or Total Commander for larger compares).

In the older version of Notepad++ when there is line difference in the code, it highlights the actual difference within the line while in the new version only highlights the line but the not actual difference (which is pain when some lines can be very long).

I played with the setting, compared them on both PC, played with Clickable links settings in preferences but to no avail. I can't just install old version of the Notepad++ because it is controlled/blocked from corporate.
Does anybody know what am I missing and how to bring the functionality back?

old version 6.1.7 highlights the actual difference

enter image description here

New version 6.5.3 highlights only the line

enter image description here

Best Answer

I have had the same problem with Notepad++ Version 6.7.5.

I first tried to update via Plugin Manager but this only updated the Compare Plugin to Version 1.5.6 and it was still not working.

After that I got it working by manually installing the Compare Plugin Version (Download: Just copy the "ComparePlugin.dll" into the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins" directory.

Now line changes are highlighted correctly again. (see also:

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