Non-technical person facing technical issues with .Net framework


Like the title says I have near to no clue as to what is going on with the .net framework programs. I tried installing programs like discord onto my laptop only to experience a error saying "net framework is not installed" so I went and got a legit copy of .net framework 4.7 from Microsoft. It then told me I already had so-called .net framework, but all my programs are having a fit over finding .net framework 4.7. According to my laptop I have all net frameworks from 3.5 up, but I went to uninstall programs and the turn on/off windows features to which I have:
– .NET Environment
– .NET Extensibility 3.5
– .NET Extensibility 4.8
– ASP.NET 4.8
But nothing else I had seen in Youtube Videos. I hope I've given enough information and I'd be more than happy to support with more information on this .net framework frenzy.
Thank you

Best Answer

This is one of the 'delightful' aspects of how Microsoft distributes its shared libraries...

You don't need the delevoper-level .NET installations, but you do need the end-user versions, 'Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable '

However, there's no simple way, at consumer-level, to know precisely which version any given app is built against, so you end up having to go down this list - Microsoft Support: The latest supported Visual C++ downloads - in reverse date order & keep installing them one at a time until you find the right one.

Complaints to Microsoft ;)

There is a more comprehensive list of all the historic versions at iTechtics - Download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (All Versions) but you should be OK just using the Microsoft links.

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