Non-resident anti-virus software


Since 6 or 8 years ago I have stopped using antivirus on my main computers. Whenever I download a suspicious file, I would upload it to VirusTotal or use other online scanners to check whether the file is safe. However, my upload speed is not exactly spectacular, so uploading big files to VirusTotal takes a long time. They support checking by file hash, which is a great feature, but sometimes I have files that they have no record. On the other hand, online scanners take time to load and I'd prefer one that loads instantly.

Is there any good non-resident anti-virus software that I can occasionally use to scan suspicious files? Preferably one that makes no changes to the system files and add no hooks to the system calls. (Am I too demanding? 🙂

Best Answer

You can use ClamWin - free and open source.

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