New to Mac, can’t delete files from NTFS drive

operating systemsosx-snow-leopard

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to use USB under OS X on my iMac. I have just got my first ever iMac and am frustrated with using my USB drive. I had previously converted this drive's filesystem from FAT32 to NTFS so that it copies faster and so I'm able to copy large files as well.

Anyway, I plug it into the iMac via USB and I want to delete some files from there but there's no option "Move to Trash". Then when I drag it to the trash, it pops up a message saying, "Cannot move to trash because it cannot be deleted".
I right-click on some files there and go to "Get Info", then at the bottom of the window, under "Sharing and Permissions", it says "Read only" and I cannot change it.

Any tips for me? I have a 500GB external hard drive full of stuff and same thing, unable to delete or copy or paste.

Best Answer

Mac OS X's built-in support for NTFS is read-only. You can drag things off of that volume and onto other (non-NTFS) volumes on your Mac, but you can't delete things from that drive. I would think copy/paste would work, but not cut/paste.

There are third-party NTFS read/write solutions for Mac OS X if you need the ability to delete things off of NTFS volume.

If you need to create a volume (drive partition) that can be used equally well on both Mac OS X and Windows, go with FAT32. Windows can't even read the Mac's native HFS family of volume formats without third-party software.

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