Networking – Wireless Signal Strength

signal strengthwireless-networking

I have a real problem that I've been troubleshooting for a friend that has really left me clueless. My friend recently had a laptop die on him and instead of buying another laptop he had me build him a desktop. Everything was working great when I set it up at my house but once he took it home he began having trouble getting a good connection over his wireless card that I had installed for him (it worked great at my house.)

I've spent hours trying all of the obvious stuff, including:

  • Installing/trying a new wireless adapter
  • Installing/trying a new router
  • Purchasing a wireless range extender
  • Messing around with all the router settings (channels, power output, etc)

I would say he's just got it in a bad spot in his house but here's the thing: no other computer has a problem connecting to the internet at all from the exact same spot his desktop sits. All of these routers/adapters work fine with other computers but he gets a low signal strength and shoddy internet once we put it in his computer at his house (like I said it worked fine at mine)

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this problem?

EDIT – Extra info:

Router is running on mixed mode I believe (so b/g/n I think) and I'm not sure of the exact speed he gets, but it is intermittent and pretty crappy…Google would take around 5 seconds to load sometimes and >500ms ping in WoW.

Best Answer

I think something in your friend's environment is causing the problem. Does he have a cordless phone? If so, unplug the base unit as a test and see if that makes any difference. I had to replace my cordless phone when I started using wireless. Does your friend share his house with other tenants who might have similar wireless devices?

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