Networking – Wired homeplug is ridiculously slow


Here is my setup:

I have got 4 TP-Link TL-PA4010 homeplug, the first one is connecting to the LAN port of the router, and the remaining are connecting to another room.

enter image description here


I have run internet speed test on Room B, C and D and found the result is only around 35Mbps, which is only around 1/3 of the original speed that the ISP can provided.

Things I have tried:

  1. Computer A is directly connect to the LAN port of the ASUS router and the ISP is proving 100Mbps speed, so it should not be the ISP issue.
  2. I have tried to use a cable to directly connect Computer A and Computer B, both PC are gigabit LAN and tested both PC even can handle gigabit connection. So it should not be PC hardware issue.

Things i have noticed:

  1. I read some article about the connection speed of homeplug will degrade over long distance, however I found the speedtest result is similar around 35Mbps even in a room just next to me (Room B) or a room quite far from me (Room D), so I believe it is not about distance issue.

  2. When I try to run speedtest at the sametime in two PC, the speed is halved. It is around 33/2 = 16 Mbps on each PC.

Best Answer

Most probably your problem is interference. Powerline networks suck when there is a motor or charging device in the network. So make sure you have isolated environment before tests. Here is a link from your vendor

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