Networking – Will a slow upload rate have a negative impact on VPN usage


Will my slow upload speed (1MBit cap on my fiber line) significantly reduce the performance of my connection over a VPN? I'm in mainland China and am considering getting a VPS server in Hong Kong running OpenVPN. Here's my speedtest to Hong Kong from where I live:

enter image description here

And ping from the VPS provider back to my IP address is 33ms on average.

So, latency seems nice, download is obviously nice, but upload is terrible. To what degree does having a slow upload effect the speed of a VPN? Will my download over the VPN be max 1MBit? Or will performance (web browsing, streaming movies etc) be no different than without the VPN?

Best Answer

Since your connection is capped at 1Mbit anyway, you will not notice a difference. The only thing that you will experience is the addition of latency, which at 33ms, seems very reasonable. I use VPN tunnels to locations with latency > 100ms, and the web still feels quite snappy.

I would say your main concern is getting a good VPS. Ask if you can try it out, see how your latency is, and make sure you have enough resources to encrypt 30mbit. Apart from the usual problems with VPS' (disk I/O) some providers choose to put way too many boxes on a physical machine.

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