Networking – WAMP 3 Server configuration


I require assistance configuring my WAMP server to allow Computer on my networks access a website on the server.

Installation of WAMP 3 server on a computer with a static ip goes well, no hiccups, and I can get the server running pretty easily on the local host. I create my directory a c:/wamp64/www/myproject, and I proceed to install the website that is already coded, its a mysql front end called Ennhanced SQL protal from

Now the local instance works well, and I can do the following:

localhost:8080/myproject and my website shows up nicely

if i put:

ipadressofserverPC:8080/myproject, it also loads up

If i go to another PC, and i write


It gives me error 403 forbidden.

Any ideas?

I am already familiar with editing the file on the server, just point me to a file and call the edits I'll try to get it working.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

By default WAMP only serves localhost. To change this edit the following config files

Replace Require local - line 11 in file C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf with Require all Granted

Replace Require local - line 279 in file C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\conf\httpd.confthe <Directory "c:/wamp64/www/"> section with Require all Granted

Make sure that in each section there is only one require statement and the 'all' is lowercase.

Then Restart the WAMP server.

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