Networking – Wake-on-lan doesn’t work over the internet


I can successfully wake my computer if my Android device in connected to the local network but I can't wake my computer from another network.

All BIOS WOL settings are enabled. I also opened a port (9 UDP) and I'm using DDNS.

In my firewall there is a rule to allow incoming packets in port 9.

I'm trying to check if my computer receives the Magic Packet using Wireshark but I don't see any incoming packets. I'm sending the packet using Fing (Android app).

What am I doing wrong?

Note: I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Best Answer

Wake-on-lan doesn't work over the internet

That's a good thing, do you want random people waking up your system via the Internet?

Your computer is behind a router. Pretty much anywhere your phone has Internet service, it is also behind a router, whether municipal Wifi, Starbucks, your workplace, etc.

WOL packets are broadcast packets. Standard routers do not forward broadcast packets. Broadcast packets are not meant to leave your LAN, can you imagine the possibilities for abuse if they did?

The proper way to do what you are trying to do is this: you need a system on your network on all the time that you can hop on, log into, and tell to issue a WOL packet on your network. DD-WRT has this capability if your router is flashed to it.

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