Networking – VPN Router drops connections


We are using a Netgear VPN Firewall Router FVS318v3.. We have a DSL connection here at the office, and my users complain of the connection dropping, or locking up on their end.. Latest firmware is installed, rebooting the router doesn't help, no other internet connectivity issues reported anywhere else (ie., no other internet connection problems here, or at their end, except when connecting to the VPN..)

Is there anything else I can check to pinpoint this problem? TIA!!!

Best Answer

Some VPN servers / Bastard Operators From Hell configure the VPN session to disconnect forcing a re-signon entering username and password.

(In case you have wandered away from your laptop leaving their precious-most company lan at the tender mercies of the coffee shop waitress who just happens to also be an ueber-cracker)


Open a terminal window.

Choose a deserving target

ping -i 30 target

This sends a packet every 30 seconds. VPN connection stays up!

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